- Open illustrator
- Open a letter sized document
- Select the pen tool
- Make a rectangle that fills the entire lower half of the page
- Make that rectangle red
- Make a new layer
- Select the pen tool again
- Create a new rectangle inside of the last one that stretches from the bottom of the red rectangle to about the vertical center of the red rectangle.
- Make sure that rectangle is taller than the width and is evenly centered in the red rectangle with the bottom touching the base of the document
- Color the new rectangle black
- Create a new layer
- Select the pen tool one last time
- Make an upwards pointing triangle that stretches from the top of the red rectangle to the top of the document
- Make sure that the bottom of the triangle is connected to the top of the red rectangle and that the top point is connected to the top of the document
- Color the triangle brown
- Make sure that the triangle is in the top half of the document
- Make sure that the red rectangle is in the lower half of the document
- Make sure that the black rectangle creates a door like shape in the bottom of the red rectangle
- Congratulations if your drawing looks like a house then you were successful
- send to bgibso@masonlive.gmu.edu